GS checked answer sheets

I took MGP+ program of ForumIAS post my failure in CSE 2020 Mains. It had 20 GS tests and 8 essay tests. I wrote 3 GS test and 1 essay before prelims and rest after it.

Post-prelims my primary focus was on answer writing and very less on revision. Only for Management I revised my notes. The test series along with IAS Baba TLP covered my current affairs for Mains as well as helped me finish all my papers 5-10 mins before time.

Check the last paper labelled P5 in the links below for my last answers, most near to mains. I have uploaded their question papers separately, you can identify the same via their nomenclature.

I have mentioned my UPSC score in brackets

GS1 Answer Copies (108)

GS2 Answer Copies (104)

GS3 Answer Copies (87)

GS4 Answer Copies (108)

Essay Copies (118)

Link for all copies

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